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(Click here for Coach Contact info and Master Practice Schedule)




  1. This will be a TENTATIVE Master Schedule for the Science Olympiads practices, subject to changes and modifications, exact classroom/locations TBD.

  2. If the practice time and day does not work with your student’s schedule, he/she may switch events to something else that fits his/her schedule better. Try to take advantage of the opportunity that we have so many events to offer this year, all of them truly challenging and interesting. It is important that you let us know if you are planning to switch events first, so we can track who is doing what.

  3. Please note also that this is the beginning of a trial period, until mid November. Some popular events have many more interested students than the spots available/allowed to compete per the Regional Competition rules. If your child is not selected for a competition spot after the trial period, he/she will be allowed to switch and pursue another event instead; we are extremely fortunate to have many events to choose from this year!

  4. Last but not least, please consider making a donation to our Club. We need to purchase many books & manuals, kits, construction materials and other supplies in order to prepare for and participate on competition day.  We really appreciate your financial support! Checks should be made payable to Muirlands Middle School (memo line Science Olympiad) and delivered to the front office.



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